Trainings for clinicians and other behavioral health providers:
Expressive Arts Therapy: Part 2
Purpose: We cannot be practitioners of the arts if we don’t know what it’s like to experience them ourselves. We will work in the imaginal realm, focusing on experiential work in multiple modalities. This is also intended as a space for self-care and exploration, should you wish to accept that invitation. All of the interventions I will lead you through are ones you can use with your clients at the individual, family, or group level. Interventions will be effective for clients of all ages.
Through individual and group experiences, participants will deepen awareness of the healing potential of the arts by fully immersing in hands-on arts exploration. Each modality (visual arts, music, drama, dance/movement, written & spoken word) will include a discussion component.
*recommended to combine parts 1 and 2 for a full day, lunch break included. Part 1 can be adapted for more or less time.
Expressive Arts Therapy: Part 1
Purpose: This course is designed for clinicians who wish to gain an understanding of arts-based practices and begin to implement them in order to support deeper and more meaningful clinical work. No prior experience necessary.
Participants will Learn:
What Expressive Arts Therapy is and why the arts are powerful tools to aid in healing and promoting wellbeing
How, when, and why to apply Expressive Arts tools and interventions into your therapeutic work
Practical ways to implement the arts as de-escalation tools
Interventions in each of the core Expressive Arts modalities
Trainings for Educators:
Integrating Healing and the Arts into the Classroom
Purpose: Arts are often one of the first subjects to be cut when state and districts’ funds are low. Together, we will explore how to incorporate the arts into daily classroom activities, with a particular focus on supporting Social-Emotional Learning, as well as in improving classroom management and buy-in from scholars, so as to support wellness within and eagerness to learn.
Participants will learn how various art forms can support classroom culture, group cohesion, and classroom management
Participants will develop classroom-wide and small group-based interventions, specifically targeting Social-Emotional and Behavioral learning and wellness
Participants will understand how to use specific arts modalities in order to best support the varying needs of individual students
Trainings for all Helping professionals:
Self-Care Through the Arts
Purpose: Self-care is a basic human need and right. It can have a profound positive impact, not just on our own wellbeing, but on our work, families, and communities. This course is designed for all helping professionals to explore, become more aware of one’s self and one’s needs, and to actively learn and practice intentional arts-based self-care skills to use in daily life and incorporate more intentional joy.
Participants will learn and practice arts-based self-care activities in each of the core modalities (music, written & spoken word, drama, dance/movement, and visual arts).
Participants will develop their own arts-based self-care practices and rituals to use on a daily, weekly, monthly, and yearly basis.
Participants will engage in self-inquiry through the arts in order to process challenges of being a helping professional and learn new tools in order to maintain and increase wellbeing and self-awareness so that one is able to find sustenance in one’s work.
*This training is offered as a full or half-day.